
It all started when…

established in 2020

I chose to leave my boys a legacy they would always remember. I continue to replay life’s experiences from beginning to today and remember all that my boys have been through. Their lives as of today, is full of so many accomplishments that not too many people have experienced in all their lives.   You do not realize what it means when you hear “Family IS Everything” until you lose a relative. Our family has been blessed up to now in not having to suffer a lot with the loss of relatives but, that changed when Ismael and Marco’s father (Jose’) passed-away.  Jose’ always admired the boy’s ability to carve their own path and seek the best in this world for themselves and do it with such poise that far exceeded the time they spent on this earth. “Your story is just beginning in this world as young men and I can tell you that as a father, you’ve given me so many reasons to be the proudest father on the face of this earth. Never forget, no matter what anyone says in this world, if anything ever goes wrong, when the dust settles, no one will be there for you more than your family.”

I&M Creative Legacy was built on these same principles and as a reminder to their father’s legacy.  I&M Creative Legacy was the home of Jose Alvarez & will now carry on as a place others can find comfort, acceptance and creativity.


Be Inspired to Think, Create and Innovate


Our mission is to provide an inspiring space where artists & creatives of all types can innovate, collaborate, and inspire others. To inspire the next generation of visionaries to be exactly who they are. We provide a comfortable environment and collaborative coworking space to network and share ideas with other creatives, overcome challenges, develop personally and professionally, and create or complete your latest projects.  


Our vision is to build a safe place for creatives to inspire ideas and contribute solutions to the community. We want to form a sustainable social atmosphere where artistic expression is not an indulgence, but recognized, encouraged, and an everyday norm. 

Our Brand

For the innovators, free-thinkers, and gifted minds, I&M Creative Legacy is a creative space that is your home away from home. We allow you to immerse yourself into a trance and release your inner ambitions. Work in this unique place with the freedom and liberty to channel your thoughts and improve your artistry

Always remember that even on your toughest day, you will always have family willing and able to lend a hand, an ear or even just a hug.
— Jose Alberto Alvarez